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ThatOneCatholic Articles

Exploring the Significance of the Rosary in Catholic Faith
In the realm of Catholic devotion, few practices hold as much reverence and mystique as the rosary. This ancient string of beads,...

Unraveling the Divine: How Do We Know God Exists?
As humans, we are often drawn to the mysteries of existence, frequently posing profound questions that probe the depths of reality. One...

Sola Scriptura: A Biblical and Historical Examination
Explore 'Sola Scriptura' from biblical and historical perspectives. Does this doctrine stand up to scrutiny?

The Profound Mystery Unveiled: Understanding Transubstantiation
Unveiling the mystery: Explore the profound concept of transubstantiation in the Eucharist.

Unveiling the Sacred Secret: The Biblical Marvel of the Eucharist
Unveil the biblical marvel of the Eucharist: explore Jesus' words, Bread of Life discourse, and early Christian witness.

Should Christians Have Statues?
Should Christians Have Statues?

Did the Early Church Believe that Mary is the Mother of God?
Is Mary the Mother of God? Let's see what the Earliest Christians had to say.

10 'Catholic' Bible Verses
On August 22, 2022, Vanessa joined Gary Michuta on "Hands on Apologetics" where they discussed 10 Bible Verses that are very Catholic...

"Hail Mary" prayer: In the Bible
Where is the Hail Mary prayer in the Bible?

Apostolic Succession: In the Bible
Overview of "In the Bible" Series The "In the Bible" series is a collection of articles and videos that take a topic and identify it's...

Peter and His Special Authority: In the Bible
Verses that highlight Peter and his special authority

Confession: In the Bible
Overview of "In the Bible" Series The "In the Bible" series is a collection of articles and videos that take a topic and identify it's...

Is the Church Christ Established "Catholic" / "Universal"?
Christ established a Church as we were taught in Matt hew 16:18. But is this Church that He established supposed to be...

What Does "Catholic" Mean?
The word Catholic comes from the Greek word katholikos, which is the combination of two greek words: kata and holos. Kata means...

Can Peter be the 'Rock' in Matthew 16:18, if Christ is the 'Cornerstone'?
Some say Peter can NOT be the 'rock' in Matthew 16:18 since Christ is called 'cornerstone'. But is this true?

What does the Bible teach us about Salvation? 'Once Saved, Always Saved"? "Faith Alone"?
What does the Bible teach us about salvation? Are we saved by 'faith alone'? Is 'Once Saved, Always Saved
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